
The Universe is a Magnificent Place

Isn’t it?

The No Way Home Trailer Dropped and….Wow

As you all know by now, Marvel released the teaser trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home out into the wild last night. And what a trailer it is. After months of speculation, casting announcements, rumors, and quite a large leak the night before, the movie’s multiversal nature has finally been confirmed. Those of us who’ve been following…

“What If…?” Episode 2 shows the vast potential of the Series

What If…? is Marvel’s latest television project, their first animation project, and my second most anticipated Marvel series, after WandaVision. What If…? is a series with endless potential. A show that can take moments that were fleeting in previous Marvel projects and create a whole new story based one changed decision. While the first episode of the series, featuring…


This is my third time writing this, so let’s hope the third time is the charm.  I love Pride. I always have and always will. I love seeing all the queer people I’ve known in my life embracing their identities, openly loving their partners, and doing things our ancestors could never dream of. Living the…

What Marvel’s New Titles Mean for Their Future

This morning Marvel Studios released a video on their YouTube channel that recapped all of Marvel’s theatrical cinematic projects and gave us a hint at what’s coming in the future. In that tease of the future, Marvel also announced the official titles for the upcoming Black Panther and Captain Marvel sequels, previously only referred to…

The Major Difference Between Invincible and The Boys

Invincible has been my latest obsession for the past six weeks. I had heard about the show tangentially and it was on my radar but it wasn’t until I came across THAT big scene from episode one that I went “alright, I have to watch this show.”

What the Marvel’s Avengers Roadmap Could Mean for The Game

It’s finally here. After 6 months of screaming into the void that is the Avengers subreddit for content or information on content and getting back nothing more substantial than a simple “Soon!” from the developers, Crystal Dynamics has finally released a roadmap for Marvel’s Avengers.

March 18th NEEDS To Be a Big Day For Marvel’s Avengers

March 18th is a significant day for multiple reasons in the nerd community. It’s the day the Snyder Cut of Justice League releases, Square Enix is having a live stream presentation that day, and Marvel’s Avengers is finally releasing the long-awaited Hawkeye DLC. The DLC comes with new locations, a new boss to fight, and…

‘WandaVision’ Episode 9 Almost Delivers on all the Series’ Promises

WandaVision shows us that Marvel’s Disney+ shows will focus more on big milestones for characters and less on monumental moments for the MCU as a whole. The finale beautifully completes the journey the MCU has sent Wanda on up to this point and begins her journey as the Scarlet Witch in a way that had me…

5 Questions WandaVision Still Has to Answer

WandaVision entered its third act with episode 7, finally giving us answers to a number of questions we had. We’ve been told how the hex started, that all the weird things going on in Westview were Agatha All Along, and that Hayward has had a nefarious plan all along. While all of these answers have been fairly…

Theory: Who Did Wanda See in Her Vision?

Episode 7 of WandaVision gave us a tease of what fans of The Scarlet Witch have been waiting for since she was introduced into the MCU, a look at Wanda in her comics accurate costume. Crown and all! It was a moment that made me, literally, scream in delight. The moment was very brief but it’s been…


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